Arsh Ellahi

“I have known property all my life. It’s what I think about first thing in the morning and usually the last thing on my mind at night. So, it was only natural for me to share the secrets of my success and give other people the opportunity to learn how to make money from property and how to do it extremely well!

Here are some testimonials from my mentees. For me they highlight the real everyday array of people that join the tribe, people just life you. They began their journey with me with different skill levels, knowledge and understanding of property. However, the one thing they all have in common is that they have all greatly developed their property education and continued to do deals and take huge steps towards financial freedom.”

If you want to make money from property and get educated on how to gain financial security, make contact with Arsh to get more information. 



Helen Gareth have a young family and joined the EPT as a way to increase their revenue stream alongside their careers.



A father son duo who weren’t new to the property game. Although they knew property, the wanted to maximise what they could do.



Kris was a complete beginner and wanted to join a group that would allow him to gain information from a range of people along with property experts.



As a property novice, Ryan valued the hands on approach to the EPT along with the opportunity to work with Arsh on securing a deal.